verb: flourish; 3rd person present: flourishes; past tense: flourished; past participle: flourished; gerund or present participle: flourishing
1. (of a person, animal, or other living organism) grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment. "It was exciting to see the participants flourish while attending Flourish"
Similar: grow, thrive, prosper, grow/do well, develop, burgeon, increase, proliferate, spring up, shoot up, bloom, blossom, bear fruit, burst forth
• develop rapidly and successfully. "After attending Flourish, the participants continued to flourish as performing professionals."
Similar: thrive, prosper, bloom, be in good shape, be in good health, be well, be strong, be vigorous, make progress, advance, make headway, develop, improve, become better, mature, evolve, make strides, move ahead, get ahead, expand, be in the pink, go places, thriving, prosperous, prospering, booming, burgeoning, successful, strong, vigorous, buoyant, productive, profitable, fruitful, lucrative, growing, developing, improving, expanding, fast-growing, going strong
• (of a person) be working or at the height of one's career during a specified period. "Composer Richard Rodgers flourished after joining forces with lyricist Oscar Hammerstein"
2. (of a person) wave (something) around to attract the attention of others. “The winners of the ticket lottery excitedly flourished their Hamilton tickets at their friends (who didn’t win…)"
Similar: brandish, wave, shake, wield, raise, hold aloft, swing, twirl, swish, flap, exhibit, flaunt, vaunt, parade, show off
noun: flourish; plural noun: flourishes
1. a bold or extravagant gesture or action, made especially to attract the attention of others. "With a flourish, she ran onstage and took her bow"
• an elaborate rhetorical or literary expression.
• an ornamental flowing curve in handwriting or scrollwork. "When exiting the theater, the performers greet their fans and sign programs with a flourish."
2. an instance of suddenly performing or developing in an impressively successful way. "Following weeks of practice, it all came together in an electrifying flourish"
a fanfare played by brass instruments. "After a flourish of trumpet-like tones, the audience sprang to their feet "
• an ornate musical passage.
• an improvised addition played especially at the beginning or end of a composition.